AI Feasibility Assessment

Unlock the insights needed to significantly save time and money in your business using AI

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Unlock the insights needed to significantly save time and money in your business using AI

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What is an AI Feasibility Assessment

AI feasibility assessments are a way of figuring out ways to incorporate AI into your business to solve pain points and increase efficiency. This is done by developing a roadmap of the specific points to be solved with certain solutions.


AI is the next big thing, but it's pointless unless you take actionable steps. We eliminate the cost of action by assisting with the initial steps. Our goal is to make AI quantifiable.

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There is absolutely nothing to lose by taking a quick call, but the potential for business improvement is limitless.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we doing these calls for free, what's the catch?

We are doing these calls to get insight into niche pain points in the market to develop solutions around them. The catch is we will likely build solutions for solving pain points you might have in the future which will be worth it for us.

How much time and money can AI actualy save.

Based on our data most medium-sized businesses in any niche can conservitivly save 10-15% on tasks throughout the business while niches such as recruitment, real estate, and digital agencies can save 25-35% on tasks throughout the business.

Who is going to be on the call?

One of our developers from AI Acquaintance. All of which have a vast understanding of the AI landscape for businesses.

AI Acquaintance




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